Monday, September 30, 2013

My Little Black Dress

I tried to read articles about the little black dress phenomenon and the reasons why every women should have this in their closet.
Let's have a brief history class :b

In 1920's black was reserved as a symbol of mourning.
In John Singer Sargent's painting, Portrait of Madame X, A widow's mourning dress was conveyed a sophisticated symbolic language.

Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel in 1926 published a picture of a short and simple yet sophisticated black dress in American Vogue. Vogue called it "Chanel's Ford".
Vogue also said that the little black dress would become "a sort of uniform for all women of taste".

Way back post-war era and the sexual conservatism of the 1950s, the rise of Dior's "New Look" returned the little black dress to its roots as a uniform and a symbol of the dangerous woman.
The popularity of the little black dress is accessible for women of all social classes that's why in the past decades up to the present is undeniable.

There are lots of reasons why a women should have a little black dress. So let me list my own perspective about this.

1. I have dark skin so wearing a black dress is a sure win.

2. I can play and match any accesories such as shoes and etc.

3. It makes me look slimmer.

4. Makes me feel sexy yet sophisticated.

5. Auto boost my confidence.

6. I can wear it in casual and formal occasions.

and many more.....

So here's one of my favorite LBD. Sorry I don't have any high definition camera but I hope you like it!

My Outfit of the day :)

Little Black dress - Shopaholic
Beige Croc Skin Bag - Tommy Hilfiger
Accessories - SM Accessories
Belt - Genevieve
Gold Casio Retro Watch
Beige Vintage Style Shoes